Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
Updated 2023-08-10 04:50:36 +00:00
Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
Updated 2023-08-02 01:09:34 +00:00
A social media frontend with a focus on custom branding and ease of use.
Updated 2023-12-27 05:59:13 +00:00
Voxbox - soapbox fork
Updated 2023-12-24 16:27:23 +00:00
A social media frontend with a focus on custom branding and ease of use.
Updated 2023-06-23 15:30:37 +00:00
smith Internal server error - Gitea: Beyond coding. We forge.


Internal server error

Forgejo version: 7.0.0+gitea-1.22.0